Out of Vietnam, Drawings of Displacement and Repression

John Yau, Hyperallergic, 30 June 2019


In Hà Ninh Pham’s drawings, a building could be a prison or a torture chamber, but there is nothing about the edifices that might indicate their function.



Hà Ninh Pham draws maps that lead to more maps. In his first New York show, Cheat Codes, at FRONT Art Space (June 22 – July 3, 2019), which was organized and curated by Passenger Pigeon Press (under the direction of Tammy Nguyen), the artist presents five mixed media drawings and a wood sculpture. According to the gallery press release, the drawings are part of a long-term project My Land, which he started in 2017 while he was an MFA student at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia.


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